Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Meaning of life Essay Example for Free

The Meaning of life Essay What is the meaning of life? is a question many people ask themselves at some point during their lives, most in the context What is the purpose of life? Here are some of the many potential answers to this perplexing question. The responses are shown to overlap in many ways but may be grouped into the following categories: Survival and temporal success to live every day like it is your last and to do your best at everything that comes before you to be always satisfied to live, go to school, work, and die to participate in natural human evolution, or to contribute to the gene pool of the human race to advance technological evolution, or to actively develop the future of intelligent life to compete or co-operate with others to destroy others who harm you, or to practice nonviolence and nonresistance to gain and exercise power to leave a legacy, such as a work of art or a book to eat to prepare for death to spend life in the pursuit of happiness, maybe not to obtain it, but to pursue it relentlessly. to produce offspring through sexual reproduction (alike to participating in evolution) to protect and preserve ones kin, clan, or tribe (akin to participating in evolution) to seek freedom, either physically, mentally or financially to observe the ultimate fate of humanity to the furthest possible extent to seek happiness and flourish, experience pleasure or celebrate to survive, including the pursuit of immortality through scientific means to attempt to have many sexual conquests (as in Arthur Schopenhauers will to procreate) to find and take over all free space in this game called life to seek and find beauty to kill or be killed

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